
Minor Presidential Hopefuls Begin New Local Campaigns

Two little-known presidential candidates campaigned in Boston this week, undeterred by publicity given better-known candidates and the New Hampshire primary.

One of the candidates. Chester A. Rudnickl, a master mariner from East Boston, has filed suit in a Concord, N.H., Federal Court to invalidate the primary because voters were not given a list of write-in candidates like himself and Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.).

Rudnicki is making reform of the Judicial system his man issue. "I gave a list of corrupted Judges to Governor Sargent and Attorney-General Quinn." he said, "but they weren't interested."

Weekends in Switzerland

Rudnicki also favors abolishing penalties for first offender, explaining that "we all make mistakes. In Switzerland the criminals go home on weekends. It works pretty well in Switzerland," he says.


To end unemployment. Rudnicki favors a 32-hour work week with 40 hours pay and a lowering of the retirement age. Vietnam he says, will not be an issue, because "Nixon is escalating the war to a lower level."

The other candidate, Jack Diamond, a 22-year old unpublished writer, is also in the race to win. "I'm putting a lot of pressure on the other candidates right now, because people will see what's going on and move this way," he said.

The presidency, Diamond says is "a job that needs to be filled by a human being and not a machine." Diamond's platform calls for "reform," immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, cuts in defense spending, and an end to greed.
