
GSD Faculty May Discuss Hartman Probe

The future of the five-member committee established at the Graduate School of Design to hear the appeal case of Chester W. Hartman '57 will apparently not be resolved until the next meeting of the GSD Faculty, scheduled for February 11.

Hartman, formerly an assistant professor of City Planning, said last night he has heard nothing from the GSD since responding to the original committee selection two weeks ago.

At that time, he sent a memo to Peter P. Rogers, associate professor of City Planning, asking that the committee matter be brought before the entire GSD Faculty. Rogers, who formed the committee in early January, has been unavailable for comment for the last several days.

Hartman declined to reveal the content of his memo until the GSD Faculty has had a chance to consider it. The memo may mean that he is questioning how the review committee was formed or submitting an entirely new proposal.

Hartman's contract was terminated two years ago. He appealed the termination shortly after, maintaining that the action was prompted by personal and political considerations and constituted a breach of due academic process. He is presently an assistant professor of City Planning at the University of California at Berkeley.


Hartman said he sent the memo in response to the ad hoc review procedures approved by the GSD Faculty last May. The procedures stipulated that Hartman and Maurice D. Kilbridge, dean of the GSD, each had the option of striking one person from the tentative list of five.

Regarding the lack of a response from Rogers, Hartman said last night that the incident "continues a pattern of unresponsiveness set over the past one and one-half years" and that the GSD continues to provide "minimal courtesy and cooperation."
