
Largey Inquest Report Filed; Droney to Consider Litigation

Middlesex County District Attorney John J. Droney filed a petition Monday seeking the release of a nine-volume inquest report on the October death of East Cambridge youth Lawrence P. Largey.

The Massachusetts Supreme Court will conduct a hearing on Friday to determine whether Droney and an assistant he appoints can see the report. District Court Judge Morris N. Gould the judge who presided at the injures, tied the inquest report last week.

If his petition in accepted, Droney will decide whether to present the report to a grand jury which would begin litigation Droney said yesterday that the report cannot be released to the public if a grand jury is convened.

Largey was arrested on October 21 for allegedly breaking a wisdom and assaulting an officer while drunk. He was found dead in a jail call early the next morning after his arrest.

Observer of Largey's arrest charged that beatings Peter E. DeLuca Rudolph V. Carbone, caused Largey's death.


A Civil Service hearing in consider disciplinary action against scheduled to begin seven days after the completion of the state inquest.

After the incident the City of Cambridge commissioned its own report which was prepared by Bombs University Law Professor Paul J. Liacos and released last month. Liacos said in the report that the police had used "unwarranted and unjustifiable force" in Largey's arrest.


The Liacos report recommended disciplinary actions against both DeLuca and Carbone. The report said, however that it had insufficient evidence to conclude that police beatings were the cause of Largey's death.

The report also criticized the general operating procedures of the Cambridge police and called for immediate Division of present police practices.
