
the stage

The Inspector General. George Hamlin directs the Harvard Drama Club's production of Nicolai Gogol's 19th Century satire. A postal Inspector General travels incognito to investigate a provincial office where service has been shoddy. Gogol lashes the Tsarist beaurocracy--a good way to celebrate "four more years."

Threepenny Opera. Music by Friedrich Weil, libretto by Bertoldt Brecht and production by Leverett House. It should be a winning combination. "Mack the Knife" is Richard Nixon's favorite song.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey's bughouse novel stagified. Most critics call the dramatization hack work but some Kesey fans swear by it.

The Servant of Two Masters. Although the Publick Theatre is free this stiff commedin dell'arte production exacts its price.

Godspell. The long-running musical has playful clowns in New Testament roles. Those who survive initial queasiness, enjoy the lively cast and bright score.


Proposition. The Boston-born improvisational troupe has enjoyed long successes both here and in New York. It's just as much a fixture as the Peabody's glass flowers and probably more entertaining.

BOSTON REPERTORY THEATER: Thurs. and Fri., The Little Prince, Sat., A Hatlel of Rain, and Sun., Grandmn's In the Cellar. All shows at 8:08.


CAMPION AUDITORIUM, (B.C.), The Good Woman of Seizuan at 8:30.

CARAVAN THEATER, Waiting for Godot at 9.

CHURCH OF THE CONVENT, Julius Caesar at 8, Sun. at 7.

CHARLES, PLAYHOUSE, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, at 7:30, Mats. Sat. and Sun. at 3.

COHEN AUDITORIUM (TUFTS), Caharet at 8:30.

COLONIAL THEATER, Comedy at 7:30, mats. Thurs. and Sat. at 2.

HUB THEATER CENTER, Catch-22 at 8:30.
