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Tomorrow's Eastern Sprints on Lake Quinsigamond should provide a rather anti-climactic finish to a brilliant season for Harvard's lightweight crew. The only question seems to be whether any of the ten other boats in the field will be able to stay within a couple of boat lengths of the powerful Crimson shell.

The lights had hoped to get a real test of their muscle by taking on the best of the heavies at the Intercollegiate Rowing Association's Regatta next month in Syracuse. The IRA's board of stewards, however, killed the possibility by tabling the motion that would have given entry to the IRA competition to the winner of the Lightweight Sprints.

Embarrassment that many of the heavies may have finished behind the lights appears as the only motive for the stewards' inaction.

"The heavyweight coaches have been very enthusiastic about the idea," commented Harvard's lightweight coach Steve Gladstone, "however their opinions have thus far had little effect on the board of stewards."

Harvard's undefeated J. V. boat will also attempt to defend its Sprint title tomorrow while the Crimson Yardlings appear to be the favorites in the freshman division.

