
Phone Co. Gives Names to FBI

A series of documents stolen from the FBI office in Media, Pa., last March discloses that the Bureau maintains a list of all telephone subscribers in the Philadelphia area.

A memorandum from Joe D. Jamieson, special agent in charge of the Media office, contains a report that "arrangements have been made through the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, Security Office, Philadelphia, Pa., for maintaining alphabetical listings in the FBI Philadelphia office."

The listings include the names of all telephone subscribers, whether or not their numbers are published in the telephone directory. The memorandum states that, as of February 26 this year, the FBI had listings for most of the Philadelphia area, and that listings were being arranged for most of the rest of Pennsylvania.

Monthly Supplements

In addition, monthly supplements would be made available by the phone company to keep the lists up to date.

This set of FBI documents is the sixth released by RESIST, a Cambridge based antiwar group, since the Media raid eight weeks ago. The documents were mailed anonymously to RESIST early this week by the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI, an underground group which has claimed credit for the Media raid.


A covering letter from the Citizens' Commission provides a breakdown of the stolen documents according to subject matter. Thirty per cent are manuals and routine forms, 25 per cent concern bank robberies, 20 per cent murder, rape, and interstate theft, 7 per cent draft resistance, 7 per cent AWOL soldiers and 1 per cent organized crime, including gambling.

Political Surveillance

By far the largest number of cases, coming to 40 per cent of the total documents, is of political surveillance and investigation of political activity. Of all the cases, only the two mentioned above concern right-wing groups. Ten concern immigrants, and over 200 deal with liberal and left-wing groups.

For the first time the group has released documents which detail FBI surveillance of right-wing political organizations.

Reports in the packet detail a Ku Klux Klan meeting held in a rural area of Pennsylvania, listing those present and describing a film of atrocities committed on blacks by Klan members. A memorandum dated October 1970 outlines attempts to gather information on the private lives and credit ratings of members of the militant Jewish Defense League.

Also included in the latest packet is a report on an SDS demonstration in West Philadelphia in April 1968. The report states that "there were no incidents during the course of this demonstration," but lists the names of eight demonstrators and their affiliations with such groups as SDS and the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy.

Policemen Named

The report also lists the names of all the Philadelphia policemen assigned to the demonstration, and the name of a reporter who covered it for WCAU-TV in Philadelphia. In a section headlined"Signs," it mentions a single placard reading "Science is for helping people, not removing them in Vietnam or West Philadelphia."

The final document in the packet is a form given to subjects of FBI interrogation, outlining their rights to remain silent and to legal counsel. The final paragraph of the form, however, contains a waiver releasing the Bureau from honoring any of the rights listed.

In addition to the FBI documents, the latest packet contains a mimeographed plea for funds from RESIST, stating that the cost of xeroxing and distributing the stolen FBI material is becoming prohibitive. The message asks newspapers to help defray the cost.
