
SDS to 'Confront' Dunlop Today; Epps Approves Pro-War Teach-In

SDS has called a rally for 3:15 p.m. today in front of University Hall to "confront" Dean Dunlop about Harvard's relationship to the war in Indochina and about the administration's desire to punish people for disrupting the March 26 "Counter Teach-In" here.

Six members of SDS have scheduled an appointment with Dunlop at 3:30. They will ask him to come outside to address the larger group.

Dunlop wrote to one of the six SDS members on Tuesday that "if your purpose is to have a large and noisy confrontation. . . I see no useful purpose to be served and will consider the appointment . . . cancelled. . . ." But he said last night that he will meet with the six students as scheduled.

Another Teach-In

Dean Epps yesterday granted a permit to Students for a Just Peace (SJP) to hold another pro-war teach-in in Sanders Theatre on May 3.

SJP co-chairman Laszio Pasztor '73 said last night that his organization is hoping to get a speaker from the White House or State Department, one from the South Vietnamese Embassy, and one from the Pentagon. as well as a pro-war "Boston-area scholar."


Members of SJP yesterday filed charges with the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR) against another student who they said helped disrupt the "Counter Teach-In." This brought the total number of people charged by SJP with disruption to 17-including 15 students. one Faculty member, and one Buildings and Grounds employee.

20 Students

The administration has pressed charges of its own against eight undergraduates and one graduate student. Three of the undergraduates were also pinpointed by SJP, making a total of 20 students against whom charges have been filed so far with the CRR.

Both SJP and the administration have indicated that they may charge more people by next Monday, the 30-day deadline for accusations.

Mixed News

Besides being granted permission to hold another teach-in, SJP got some other good news yesterday-and some bad news. Pasztor received a letter from Epps informing him that the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL) has approved SJP as a Harvard-Radcliffe organization.

But the CHUL's Executive Committee unanimously rejected yesterday a request by SJP's co-chairmen that four radical groups-SDS, PL, the University Action Group, and the Radcliffe-Harvard Liberation Alliance-be barred permanently from use of University facilities because of their alleged role in disrupting the "Counter Teach-In."

John T. Berlow '71 will stand trial at 9:30 a.m. Friday in East Cambridge Detriot Court on charges of trespass and disturbing a public assembly which Harvard brought against him after the "Counter Teach-In."
