
B.C. Women Capture Dean's Office

Forty Boston College women occupied two administrative offices at 9 a.m. yesterday to protest the university's failure to provide services "basic to women's needs."

The students left the offices of Father Edward J. Hanrahan, dean of Students, and James' Maclntyre, vice-president in charge of Student Affairs, after university officials obtained a temporary restraining order in Middlesex Superior Court banning the demonstration, but stated that they would insist on "positive and specific responses" to their demands by 7 p.m. Monday.

The B. C. Undergraduate Government supported the women's action and Timothy Anderson, UG president, said yesterday that "all the students who understand what's going on are sympathetic."

The chain of events leading up to the occupation began on March 8, when a student newsletter revealed that the position of Dean of Women, presently held by Ann Flynn, will be terminated as of June 30, 1971. Her job will be taken over by Hanrahan.

On March 15, the Women's Action Committee presented Boston College President Rev. Seavey Joyce with a petition signed by 1164 students demanding the reinstatement of the office of Dean of Women and the continuation of Ann Flynn in that position.


In addition, the petition called for "immediate action to eliminate inequities and meet the needs of women" in the Health Services, admissions and financial aid policies, placement and counseling services, curriculum reform, campussecurity and athletic facilities. The women demanded an answer from Joyce by 5 p.m. yesterday. He issued a five-page statement after meeting with three women from the group.

"It is difficult to give substantive replies to many of the questions raised," Joyce said, "because they refer to different departments within the university."

Although Joyce was "happy to re-affirm the extremely important role that women play in the life of Boston College... they are in every sense of the term first class citizens," he stated that "while it appears clear that there should be some high administrative office dealing with the particular problems of women students, it is not certain that this would best be entitled 'Dean of Women.'"

Most of the demands, he said, would best be considered by administrators of various departments. The Women's Action Committee called Joyce's statement a "five-page jumble of administrative doubletalk."

University officials obtained the restraining order about 3 p.m. yesterday. After a brief hearing, the judge suggested that Boston College "expel them all."

Maclntyre informed the students in his office of the court order and both rooms were vacated. "We have accomplished our purpose of proving that we are serious in our demands," a spokesman for the group said. No files were opened or equipment damaged during the occupation, and administrators had been in both offices all day.

The court order referred to all those involved, but listed 11 students by name.

No decisions have been made regarding discipline by the seven-member University Conduct Board, which includes four students, MacIntyre said.

The women declined to discuss what action they would take if their demands are not acted upon by Monday night.
