
Agnew To Visit Boston; Will Speak on March 18

The man who made "effete intellectual snobs" a household word is coming to Boston, and for $25 you can have dinner with him.

Vice President Spiro T. Agnew is scheduled to speak at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner of the Middlesex Republican Club March 18, at the Sheraton-Boston Hotel.

William Bellamy, first vice president of the Middlesex Republican Club, said that Agnew is scheduled to be the principal speaker at the Lincoln Day Dinner, but that tickets would not be printed until Agnew's office confirms the date.

Vic Gold, Agnew's press secretary, said yesterday that "the Vice President's schedule is not firmed up more than two weeks in advance," but that there would be a press release around March 5 concerning Agnew's appearance in Boston.

If Agnew does make it to Boston, it will be his first appearance in the city for more than two years. He last came here during the 1968 Presidential election.


President Nixon was the principal speaker at the Lincoln Day Dinner, in 1969. Last year Robert Finch, former secretary of HEW, addressed the Club at its annual dinner.

The Lincoln Day Dinner is not a fund-raising event, but a club function which is open to the public. "Anyonewith $25-and we would hope a genuine interest in hearing Mr. Agnew-is welcome. We're of course not interested in anyone who would try to use the dinner for his own political benefit," Bellamy explained.

The group is selling tickets to cover its expenses, Bellamy said. "We're responsible for the cost of chartering the plane, for the accommodation of Agnew, any staff he brings along, and for the Secret Service people who will be here. All of this is in addition to the cost of the food and the rental of the hall, he added.

The Midlesex Republican Club, the oldest Republican Club in the country, is a statewide organization, but is not part of the regular party hierarchy. "We don't support candidates for office," Bellamy said. "We just like to get together and discuss politics," he said.
