
New Committee Reviews The Undergraduate Arts

President Bok announced yesterday the formation of a committee to review the role of the arts in the University's undergraduate program.

The committee will examine Harvard's present arts curriculum and extracurricular activities, as well as survey other college art programs.

James S. Ackerman, professor of Fine Arts and newly appointed committee chairman, said that the committee was formed due to "increased student interest and pressure from a great many people, both faculty and students, for an expanded arts program."

Last May, the Visiting Committee for the Visual and Performing Arts proposed that an appraisal be done to encourage student talent in both performing and participatory arts as well as to encourage art observation.

Information, Net Legislation


Bok has set no time limit on the committee's investigation. "Its sole role is to inform the President, not make legislative proposals," Ackerman said.

Other members of the committee are Jerome H. Buckley, professor of English, John P. Russo '65, assistant professor of English, Alfred F. Guzetti '64, assistant professor of Education and Visual Studies and Louise Vosgerchian, professor of Music.

The committee will solicit and discuss comments on the present state of the arts at Harvard from the entire University according to Ackerman.
