

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

On Thursday, January 14, 1971, you printed certain statements by Cambridge Mayor Alfred Vellucei. Francis H. Burr '35 declined to respond. Following you find a verbatim copy of a letter which I sent to Mr. Vellucei giving him my reactions to his statement:

Dear Mayor Vellucei:

On Thursday, January 14, 1971, the Harvard CRIMSON printed a statement by you in which you blasted Harvard for not consulting you concerning the "coronation" of Harvard's new president, "King Bok." Harvard's selection process is none of your business. I do realize that Harvard is an institution that affects the lives, in one way or another, of everyone in Cambridge. Harvard does have a community responsibility.

But the selection of a Harvard president must, I feel, be left to those scholars and men of a "primary academic commitment" and others who know the workings of this University intimately. The Harvard presidency is not, and, I think, will never be a political job. Your comments and reactions to the selection of Dean Bok were, to say the least, in terribly poor taste.


P. S. In my opinion. whoever thinks Harvard Yard (my home) should be transformed into a parking lot or makes senseless war on this institution can take a running jump and go straight to hell!
