
Polo Team Will Host Penn In Season's Home Opener

Harvard's polo team will play its first home match of the season Saturday when it faces the University of Pennsylvania in the Pine Hill Riding Center, Framingham, at 8 p.m.

The Crimson is 1-2 for the year with an 11-9 victory over Penn earlier in the year. The Quakers, however, are a more experienced team, playing with a three goal handicap while Harvard has a zero handicap.

Almost the entire undergraduate Crimson squad from last year has returned this winter. The team is led by number one player Peter Bennett, sophomore Joe O'Connor, and Howie Corcoran. No one on the starting team has a goal handicap.

"Were playing more aggressively this year," Bennett said. "We only started playing two years ago. An inexperienced team is always defensive and hesitant, but as we get better we're getting more offensive," he said.

The Crimson has been soundly defeated by Yale and edged by North Salem, 11-9, Yale is traditionally, along with Cornell, the top team in the East.


Harvard will play every weekend until the intercollegiate play-offs in the Spring. Competing with the Crimson at the championships in Oxridge. New York, will be Penn. Yale, Cornell, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Virginia.

Both Penn and Harvard suffer from the fact that their polo clubs do not receive support from the school administrations, while Yale's squad is sponsored under the athletic department. The Crimson maintains itself on team dues and donations.

Admission to Saturday's match will be $1.

Ivy Hockey Standings


Brown 4 1 8

Cornell 3 1 6

Harvard 3 1 6

Dartmouth 2 2 4

Penn 1 2 2

Princeton 0 2 0

Yale 0 4 0
