
NHL's West Defeats East

A Chicago Black Hawk-dominated West All-Star team defeated the favored East, 2-1, in the NHL's All-Star game at the Boston Garden last night.

First period goals by Chicago's Chico Maki and Bobby Hull put the West ahead to stay. The East's single tally also came in the first period from the stick of Montreal's Yvon Cournyer.

Solid goal keeping by the East's Gilles Villemure and the West's Tony Esposito kept the scoring down as they blanked hockey's big guns in the last two periods.

The game had its exciting moments but in general was rather a listless affair. By the third period action had dropped to a bare minimum as only nine shots were fired on goal during the last period.

The game also marked the 23rd appearance of Detroit's Gordie Howe as an All-Star.

