
Leary's Communique

(Timothy Leary was fired by Harvard for conducting experiments with undergraduates into LSD. He went on to become the pop prophet of turning on, tuning in, and dropping out. Leary was finally jailed in California on drug charges but escaped earlier this month with the aid of the Weathermen. He sent the following statement to newspapers shortly after his escape. Leary is still free.)

THE FOLLOWING statement was written in P.O.W. camp and carried over the wall in full sight of two gun trucks. I offer love and gratitude to my Sisters and Brothers in the Weatherman underground who designed and executed my liberation. Rosemary and I are now with the underground, will continue to stay high and wage revolutionary war.

There is time for peace and a time for war. There is the day of laughing Krishna and a day of grim Shiva. Brothers and Ssisters, at this time let us have no more talk of peace. The conflict which we have sought to avoid is upon us. A world wide ecological religious warfare. Life vs. death.

Listen, It is a comfortable self-indulgent cop-out to look for conventional economical political solutions.

Brothers and sisters this is a war for survival, ask Huey and Angela, they dig it. Ask the wild free animals, they know it: Ask the turned on ecologists, they sadly admit it.


I declare that World War III is now begun waged by short-haired robots whose deliberate aim is to destroy the complex web of free wildlife by the imposition of mechanical order.

Listen. There are no neutrals in genetic warfare. There are no noncombatants at Buchenwald, My Lai, Soledad. You are either part of the death apparatus, or you belong to the network of free life.

Do not be deceived. It is the classic stratagem of genocide to camouflage their wars as law and order police actions. Remember the Sioux, and the German Jews, and the Marijuana Pogroms, and the pious TWA indignation of airline hijacking.

If you fail to see that we are the victims, defendants, of genocidal war, you will not understand the rage of the blacks, the fierceness of the browns, the holy fanaticism of the Palestinians, the righteous mania of the Weathermen, and the persuasive resentment of the young.

Listen Americans, your government is an instrument of total lethal evil.

Remember the buffalo and the Iroquois!

Remember Kennedy, King, Malcolm, Lennie!

Listen. There is no compromise with a machine. You cannot talk Peace and Love to a human or a robot whose every federal bureaucratic impulse is soulless, heartless, humorless, lifeless, loveless.

IN THIS LIFE struggle we use the ancient holy strategies of our organic life:

1) Resist lovingly in the loyalty of underground Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods.

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