
Group of Seniors Plans Alternative Commencement

Plans to mount a protest at Thursday's Commencement are proliferating after a new group of seniors last night announced definitely that they will hold a "counter-commencement" during Thursday's regular ceremonies.

The counter-commencement is tentatively scheduled for the yard in front of Eliot House, Henry Greenspan '70 said late last night. All students receiving degrees, faculty, and parents will be invited to the "open microphone ceremonies."

Traditional Commencement ceremonies will go on as scheduled in the Terecentenary Theater according to the plan endorsed by the senior Class Marshals.

Alterations in the traditional order of Commercement include a fourth student speaker and the wearing of red armbands by members of the senior class.

James Foster, a third year law student chosen by the seven Senior Class Marshals, will read a statement prepared by a subcommittee of the Class Marshals' Committee.


According to Barry O. Chase, a third year law student and a member of the subcommittee, the statement will "communicate a sense of urgency beyond that felt by most Americans." A copy of the statement has been submitted to President Pusey for his approval.

Armbands will be handed out by the class committee on Thursday, Keith W. Colburn '70 one of the marshals, said yesterday that the marshals are seeking to include in the commencement program some explanation of the significance of the armbands.

An undetermined number of Harvard and Radeliffe seniors will not wear caps and gowns on Thursday.

Members of Harvard SDS are also considering walking out of the regular commencement half-way through the program and joining the counter-commencement group.
