

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As members of the Center for International Affairs, we were puzzled by the reference to "the military advice given by the Center for International Affairs," in your editorial of May 4th.

The Center is a forum for research and study by a wide range of scholars and students of various kinds who cover a broad spectrum of interest, experience, and point of view. In accordance with normal University practice, it takes no institutional or official positions on public issues. No classified research goes on under its auspices and it issues no classified reports. Its research results are published, and available for anyone to see, in the books, reports, and articles that bear the Center's imprimatur. Individual members of the Center may, of course, consult with a wide range of interested agencies- universities, private and public institutions, in the United States and abroad, national and international. When they do so, they act as individuals, as do many members of the Harvard faculty.

On today's Southeast Asian issues, members' opinions cover a broad range. The least that any of us would urge, as individuals taking advantage of the good offices of the CRIMSON, is that the United States should withdraw its ground forces from Cambodia and resume the limitation on the bombing of North Vietnam that prevailed until recently. Most of us favor ending the U.S. involvement in Vietnam either through an immediate cease-fire, withdrawal of U.S. troops, or an internationally supervised free community press toward these ends.
