
Council Selects Vellucci Mayor After Three Months of Voting

The Cambridge City Council elected East Cambridge Councillor Alfred E. Vellucci mayor of Cambridge last Monday breaking a three-month deadlock.

Vellucci, who will remain a council member, was elected by a 6-3 vote.

It was formerly expected that the council would elect a councillor endorsed by the Cambridge Civic Association, since the CCA has a majority of five on the council. However, Edward A. Crane '35, one of the CCA members, abstained from voting in the previous 48 ballots because of his disagreement with a CCA budget proposal.


Last week, however, the CCA disassociated itself from Crane. freeing him to vote for Vellucci, an independent council member.

Vellucci has served eight consecutive terms on the City Council and two terms on the school committee.


This fall he supported the unsuccessful proposal for rent control in Cambridge.

Parking Lot

Vellucci is known as a political opponent of Harvard. Vellucci has repeatedly criticized Harvard's effect on Cambridge's housing shortage. He has also suggested that the city take Harvard Yard by eminent domain and turn it into a parking lot.

Under Cambridge's city manager form of government the mayoral post carries more prestige than power. Vellucci said in his acceptance speech. "I will not seek the office again... it's an honor that should be passed around to all the councillors."

Vowed to Work

As mayor, Vellucci assumes the chairmanship of the Cambridge School Committee. In his inaugural speech Vellucci vowed to work for the best interests of the schools and the children.
