
Squash Team Must De?? Penn To Win Grand S??

Having already won the intercollegiate nine-man team and Ivy League titles. Harvard's varsity squash team is seeking to complete the "grand slam of collegiate squash" today at Princeton.

Larry Terrell is favored to win the individual intercollegiate championship, and Penn and Harvard are rated even in their battle for the six-man team collegiate crown.

Tournament Format

Over the past 14 years, all competitors were entered in the same tournament and team standings were determined by the number of rounds the players advanced.

Under that format, a team with one strong player advancing through the finals usually won the overall title. Witness the fact that Harvard won the Forman title seven times during this period and six of those it also took the individual title.

This year, however, there are three tournaments, one for players ranked one and two, another for three and four. and another for five and six.


Consolation tournaments will also be held for losers of the first two rounds, to there will be a total of six winners. Teams will receive one point for each championship round, and one-half point for consolation matches.

Harvard coach Jack Barnaby praised the new set-up earlier this week. "Now your number-six man can go?? courts knowing he can win a?? and the team title for you," ?? can even lose once and st?? team cause in the consolation

Harvard, Penn, and William, the only serious competitors?? title. The Crimson and ?? have proven themselves far?? any other collegiate teams?? acicular season.

Williams, although it lost ?? this year, must be considered running since the Ephmen ?? at the top six positions, ?? salvaged a 3-3 tie at those?? match with Williams, so D?? ?? Jack McBroom (3), and ?? ford (5) could be important the tournaments.

Luck of the Draw

"It all depends on the luck of ?? Barnaby said. "If our number?? should happen to face Penn's ?? three in the third round, he ?? eliminated although he's the se?? player in the tournament."

The luck of the draw will be?? ?? important since Penn and Ha?? so evenly balanced in each div?? Crimson's trump card is capt ?? Terrell. Terrell has been inter ?? runner-up the past two years ?? mate Anil Nayar. Alone at the ?? Terrell is a heavy favorite to ?? individual crown.

But Penn's strongest entry ?? the first tournament, where ?? on both Palmer Page and El?? "These three players are in ?? themselves," Barnaby said, ?? will have to knock off either ?? Bery in an early round to ?? team standings.

Terrell beat Page in a closely ?? five-came match last month, an?? the beck out of Berry at Chris ?? cording to Barnaby.

Penn Favored

At three and four. Penn sho?? a s??t favorite because of t?? son performances of Mason ?? Jeff Condon. But Fernanio ?? Ed Atwood both triumphed?? over Gerhart and Condon ?? and the Crimson must hope ?? these upset performances.

At numbers five and six, an?? is expected between Harvard ?? No other team has enough d?? a threat Jaime Gonzalez wen?? during the year at six, but ?? number five, Dave Fish, lost cl?? es to Williams and Penn oppo???
