
TDA Awaits Verdict While Trial Finishes

After five months, the Chicago conspiracy trial is drawing to a close.

After the prosecution concluded its arguments yesterday in the trial of seven men charged with conspiracy to incite rioting at the 1968 Democratic Convention, Judge Julius J. Hoffman announced that he would charge the jury this morning to begin deliberations on the verdict.

Calling the Chicago Seven "highly sophisticate, highly educated" but "evil men," attorney Thomas A. Foran concluded the government's summary to the U. S. District Court jury of ten women and two men. He spoke after defense attorney William M. Kunsiler told them that "It is your responsibility to see that men can still speak boldly and remain the masters of their souls."

Meanwhile, preparations continue across the nation to stage militant demonstrations on TDA, the day after the Chicago jury returns its verdict.

"Whatever the verdict." said an NAC spokesman in Cambridge last night, "we still intend to hold a militantly orderly march from the Park Street MBTA station on the afternoon after the verdict. And it seems pretty clear what the verdict will be."

