
Track Season Opens Against B.U. But Squad Looks Ahead to Army

Harvard's indoor track season opens tonight with a dual meet against Boston University, but everyone seems to be looking past the Terriers toward Saturday's clash with Army.

"B.U. won't be much of a contest," associate coach Edgard B? Stowell said. "It never is. We're just too strong for them. We're trying to see where we are, and how well we'll be ready for Army."

The key for success against a perenially tough Army track unit, and probably the key to the whole season, lies in two factors, according to Stowell. "We've got a large group of fine sophomores who have never really been tested," he said. "If they come through for us, and if we get a break on injuries, we could be even stronger than last year."

Last season's undefeated team ran to a 5-0 record, and captured Heptagonal and Ivy League Championships.

Seven graduating seniors have left a gaping hole in the track roster, but Head Coach Bill McCurdy is still optimistic. "We may be weaker than usual at the start of the season." he commented, "but we've got the potential for an outstanding squad."


"We'll be strong in the sprints, and we've got the best hurdles crew in sometime. Because of injuries, we lack the depth in the middle distances, but we've got good depth in the longer distances," McCurdy added.

McCurdy and Stowell cited Joe Naughton in the shot put, Dewey Hickman in the hurdles, Baylee Reid in the sprints, and Bob Clayton in the middle distances as the outstanding sophomores.

Freshman Coach Pappy Hunt has another strong crew this year, with excellent individuals in many events. "We're not as deep as last year, though," he said. "The B.U. meet will tell us pretty well what the season will be like, but we'll know much better after next week."
