
Men Now Living at 'Cliffe May Be Unable to Return To Their Harvard Houses

Harvard men who left their suites for singles at Radcliffe this year may find their Houses have no room for them, despite last year's promises they would be allowed to move back to Harvard after the first semester.

Leverett House Secretary Fran Malkus said, "We have about 50 people at Radcliffe but nowhere near that many vacancies." Malkus said that approximately ten or 12 students indicated to her earlier in the year that they might want to return to Leverett but "we don't have room for even 12 right now."

Dean Epps said, "Promises were made [to allow students to move back] and we hope they can be kept."

Epps feels enough vacancies will occur by the end of the semester to absorb any Harvard men wanting to move back to the Houses. "Vacancies depend on leaves of absence and withdrawals and we think there will be enough ? them. We have people leaving every week for various reasons."

If there is not enough room in their Houses for upperclassmen returning from Radcliffe they will be allowed to transfer to Mather House. Mather Master F. Skiddy von Stade Jr. said, "Men moving from Radcliffe will be encouraged to transfer to Mather. We have rooms available."


Epps said, "I hope we don't have to force guys to Mather if they want to move back. I think enough vacancies will occur in their Houses to accommodate all those that want to move back."

Epps added that there will be a meeting in early December to determine the possibilities open to men at Radcliffe. Procedures for men at Harvard to move to Radcliffe will also be discussed.

The only men who will be allowed to move to Radcilffe will be replacements for those who leave, Genevieve Austin, Radcliffe dean of Residence, said. There are currently 309 men living at Radcliffe but no official estimates on how many of them want to leave.
