
HSA Head, 2 Directors Resign Posts

The general manager and two former student directors of Harvard Student Agencies have resigned in the aftermath of a year of internal feuding.

Dustin M. Bourke '52, the University-appointed HSA general manager and a founder of HSA 13 years ago, said he resigned to write a book about student employment.

Robert E. Lockwood '70, last year's student president, and Ronald Stone '70, a student director, would have become members of the HSA board of directors under by-laws approved last year. Both have resigned their positions following what Lockwood described as "a tumultuous year of change."

"Burke and I felt last year's problems and subsequent changes made it important to bring in new personnel," Lockwood said.

Chase N. Peterson '52, dean of Admissions and Financial Aid and a member of the HSA board, said there was "a fair amount of friction" last year between Burke and Lockwood and the other seniors.


Lockwood and Stone have become partners in a company called "Badamericlub" which specializes in selling goods and services to students. Many of their operations are in competition with HSA. The two are also publishers of a student guide to Boston and directors of an investment advisory service.

HSA attorney Harold Rosenwall said there was last year "a certain amount of pressure from Lockwood for changes, and a certain amount of this pressure went toward Mr. Burke."

Burke has been replaced by Andrew Nelson.

Current HSA president Charles A. E. Talmadge said last night that Burke did "a tremendous job," but that Lockwood's changes were "beneficial."
