
Freshman Basketball Coach Quits After Year and a Half at Harvard

Kenneth Klug, who came to Harvard last year as the freshman basketball coach, has resigned despite having some of the nation's most talented players on this winter's team.

Klug made known his decision in December, and it was effective January 1. His replacement is John Harvey, who has served as a scout and assistant for Bob Harrison, the varsity coach, "I think John will do a good job," Harrison said Monday.

He said he was not sure what Klug's exact reasons for quitting were, but added, "It seemed that Ken had a lot on his mind besides basketball." Klug is now in Ohio, and although no one knows for sure what he is doing, some have speculated that his new activities involve religion, one of his primary interests.

When asked if Klug had given him any specific reasons for resigning. director of athletics Adolph W. Samborski '25 said, "He just felt that it was for the best interests of himself and Harvard if he resigned."

There had appeared to be some strain in the relationship between Harrison and Klug earlier in the season. In the first of two freshman-varsity games, Klug used five men almost exclusively. Harrison suggested that it would be better to use more of the players, and in the next game. Klug took most of his starters out after the first ten minutes. This added to the strain.


Klug played under Harrison at Kenyon College.
