
Letter on NCAA

To John L. Powers and Bennett H. Beach:

Your article "Yale's Good-Bad, But It's Not Evil" was just about what I expected from your newspaper. I always thought that the place for an editorial was on the editorial page. not on the sports page. where you are supposed to put the facts. And the facts, if you had reported them correctly. are all that is necessary to show that Yale is acting just like the bunch of cry-baby radicals that think they're going to run the country in a couple of years.

Yale knew what it was doing when it allowed Jack Langer to go to Israel, and it knew that the NCAA would punish it for violating a rule that had been made clear long before the Maceabiah games took place. But they did it anyway and now Yale, as seems to be the custom nowadays, wants "anisette." Well, they won't get it. because there are enough sensible schools left in the NCAA to insure that college athletics remains what it always has been- well regulated, and within the best traditions of amateurism.

And you, Mr. Powers and you. Mr. Beach are so, so wrong if you think that the Ivy League is going to be able to do anything about it by withdrawing. What has the Ivy League ever done for the NCAA in this country. except to complain anytime it thought its precious, god-al-mighty interests were being endangered. We need more schools like Ohio State. whose athletes and athletic program are a credit to the American collegiate tradition. What we don't need is young men like you. who use a newspaper to spout off radical beliefs and distort the facts.
