
Shook the University...

ending or continuing the student strike.

Judge Edward M. Viola ruled that arrested demonstrators must stand trial on criminal trespass charges, despite Harvard's formal request that the charges be dropped.

April 20: At another four-hour meeting. SDS members voted to "mill in" at University Hall. The mill-in was proposed as a "building tactic, and not as an ultimate step, one of the proponents said.

Faculty members conferred over the weekend in efforts to draw up a compromise version of the Afro demands that the Faculty might approve. Alex Inkeles said he would present such a revised version at the next Faculty meeting.

Members of the Corporation spoke to student gatherings in the various Houses to explain to Corporation's stand on ROTC, Harvard expansion policies, and the other strike issues.


April 21: Four hundred students took over University Hall for the afternoon in a mass mill-in that made normal administrative business impossible. The students talked and argued with deans and Faculty members, and did not try to force any administrators out of the building.

Afro produced another revision of its demand for greater student participation in the Afro-American Studies department. The new plan deleted controversial clauses in earlier proposals that would have placed students on tenure review committees and made tenure hearing records public.

The Admissions Office said that it had accepted 109 black students for the Harvard class of '73--nearly twice as many as it took for the class of '72.

April 22: The Faculty approved the plan presented by Afro for increasing students' role in governing the Afro-American Studies department. Under the plan, six students would join the seven Faculty members on the department's Standing Committee. When the department got a full complement of Faculty appointees, a new student-Faculty Executive Committee would take over control of the department. The Faculty reserved the right to review the program in 1971.

SDS members decided at a meeting to continue a leafleting campaign for several more days and postpone any more militant action until the Corporation had clarified some of its positions.

April 23: Henry Rosovsky, chairman of the committee that drafted Harvard's original report on Afro-American Studies, resigned from the department's Standing Committee. Rosovsky said that the Faculty's vote to add students to the committee exceeded the traditional academic guidelines laid down in his report.

SDS sent a letter to the Corporation demanding clarification of Corporation policy on ROTC, Harvard expansion, and similar issues. The SDS letter said the Corporation had five days to answer.

Students in several departments began circulating petitions asking for postponement of general exams.

The Corporation decided to change its traditional draft-deferment policy and let individual Faculty members request deferments for graduate students. The Corporation had previously allowed only simple statements of fact about the nature of the students' work.

April 24: President Pusey, in his first public appearance since the occupation, told a symposium at the Business School that "disruption and coercion has absolutely no place on this campus." Pusey said that unacceptable tactics were the main issue in the crisis and that "the kind of disruption that we've just experienced will not stop unless the communities themselves insist that they do stop."
