
Pusey Commends ROTC Cadets

In a brief appearance at yesterday's commissioning ceremony at the Loeb for Harvard ROTC cadets, President Pusey commended the new officers for staying with the program despite the attacks leveled at it this spring.

"You showed courage and stamina and courage to go about your business," Pusey said, commenting that the cadets "could not help but have been affected" by the ROTC controversy.

Pusey said that "I think in time this attack made on ROTC will not look too good and will be found to be one of the shameful episodes in the history of this university." He commented that at least some of those who attacked the program were seeking "an escape for all their frustrations by making a victim of ROTC. They did not behave in a very rational way."

The commissioning ceremonies were peaceful, although one person was ejected from the Loeb when he told spectators that he was planning to leap onto the stage to disrupt the proceedings.
