
'Paine Hall' Made Headlines...

ate students, and that plans for devising Afro-American study specialties within existing departments were not sufficient.

The Admissions Office said that it would stretch its application deadline for New York City students to give them a chance to recover from the persistent teachers' strike.

November 23: Harvard beat Yale, 29-29.

November 25: Seymour Martin Lipset, professor of Government and Social Relations, offered another alternative in the ROTC quandary. Lipset said he would ask the Faculty to endorse a non-binding student referendum on ROTC's fate at Harvard. He explained that he wanted the Faculty to have some other resolution to consider besides the SDS-backed motion that Hilary Putnam planned to present.

Students from a Soc Rel 136 section painted the bare wooden walls surrounding renovated Harvard Hall, despite the attempts of a Harvard hall despite the attempts of a Harvard policeman to stop them. The policeman succeeded, however, in taking the painters' bursar's cards.


November 26: The SFAC accepted a resolution for ending ROTC's academic credit. By a 13-3 vote, the council passed a measure essentially the same as the HUC's, calling for the end of academic credit, Corporation appointments, course catalogue privileges, and free building use.

Following long-standing Faculty tradition, Dean Ford told SDS members that they could not attend the Faculty's December 3 meeting on ROTC. Ford said that University rules limited meeting attendance to Faculty members and selected visiting scholars.

Claiming that they were part of a movement to "make Harvard more liveable," 15 Cliffies ate lunch in the Freshman Union. Dean of Freshmen F. Skiddy von Stade said the invasion was "just plain impolite."

Whitney Young, director of the Urban League and winner of a Harvard honorary degree, castigated an audience of Harvard students for their apathy about racial problems. Young said that the sparse attendance at his lecture showed Harvard's general lack of interest in civil rights.


December 1: The long-anticipated Harvard-Radcliffe bus made its first run. Harvard agreed to underwrite the expenses of a three-week trial period to see if the bus could support itself through ten-cent fares.

Word leaked out from Washington that Henry Kissinger, professor of Government, might soon leave Cambridge to become President Nixon's national security advisor.

December 2: Nixon confirmed the Kissinger rumors.

Students from six campus organizations argued about ROTC at a public panel discussion. HUC, HRPC and SFAC representatives said that ROTC should lose its credit; SDS said that ROTC should leave; YPSL said that students should vote on ROTC; and an Army ROTC cadet said he "couldn't argue on these terms."

The 18 residents of Radcliffe's Avon House--13 Cliffies, the resident couple plus four-year-old son, the janitor, and the maid--applied as a group for admission to Yale. The Cliffies said they were tired of being "second-class citizens" at Harvard, but they also said they wouldn't move south unless. Yale accepted their whole group.
