
Students at B.U. Demonstrate Too

About 200 students occupied an administration building at Boston University for two hours yesterday morning and then left when threatened with arrest.

Following an early morning SDS-sponsored rally against ROTC in front of Marsh Chapel, the students marched to the Financial Aid and Admissions Office on Bay State Road. Although B.U. police were guarding other administration buildings, there were none posted at that office. Demonstrators kicked open the locked doors and went in. They told the people working in the office that they did not intend to to disturb them.

Arland F. Christ-Janer, president of B.U., reportedly told the demonstrators that while the university must guarantee the right to dissent it also has the obligation to continue the process of education.

Christ-Janer said that the take-over of the building was a step "deemed by university officials to be disruptive of education at B.U." He then asked the demonstrators to leave.

Lines of Boston police began forming outside the building, including units of the Tactical Police Force. Paddy wagons were parked near the building.


At 11:30 a.m. the students were told that if they did not leave, the police would remove and arrest them. The students then left the building and held another rally at Sherman Union, at which the demonstrators tried to gain sympathizers for another action, which may come today.

The protestors demand the end of ROTC an campus, no military recruitment at the university, and the end of the Overseas Program, in which professors go to Europe in cooperation with the armed forces to teach servicemen who can then receive their MA degree while in service.

Members of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) threatened to sue the university if classes are disrupted. In a telegram sent to Chirst-Janer, they claim that if demonstrators are permitted to prevent them from attending classes, the university will have violated the contract made with students by accepting their tuition.

Tufts University students voted by a 3-1 margin yesterday in a campus referendum that Reserve Officer Training Corps program should be retained at Tufts.

The vote was 1050 to 325 in support of ROTC, with 1380 of Tufts' 3100 undergraduates voting
