
Winthrop Men Brace For Coed Day Today

About 75 Cliffies from North House will be introduced to the mechanics of House living on "Coed Day" at Winthrop House today.

"With the possibility of Cliffies living in the Houses in the near future," Peter D. Lennon '70, chairman of the Winthrop House Committee, said yesterday, "we need to acquaint them with the different functions of Masters and tutors in the Houses and a multitude of features not in Radcliffe dorms."

Linda A. Pierce '71, chairman of the North House Committee, said yesterday that "once Cliffies are aware of the nature of Harvard Houses, they can change 'Cliffe dorms to be more like the Houses." She added that such changes would make it easier for Harvard men to live at Radcliffe and would "strengthen 'Cliffe dorms."

The plans for "Coed Day" originated in a joint meeting of the House Committees of Winthrop House and North House. The two houses have had common activities before--including a snowball fight and reciprocal Master's tables.


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