
Students Charged In Nude Filming

Police have charged a Harvard junior and a Radcliffe sophomore with "lewd and lascivious behavior" in the filming of a nude scene on the grounds of a private club in Hamilton.

Kevin G. Rafferty '70 was shooting a scene of three girls hitch-hiking in the nude for a film that is his term project for VES 146b, "Light and Communication (Animation)." A member of the club brought the complaint against Rafferty and the girls--a 28-year-old former school-teacher from Philadelphia, a 17-year-old cook from Newton, and the Cliffie.

The four defendants are scheduled to appear in Salem District Court on April 28. The charge carries a maximum sentence of three months in the house of correction.

Several boys who were nude were not charged. "This is probably because we got dressed while the girls were being taken to the station," said Alastair T. Kenneil '71, one of those not charged.

A Sleepy Town


Both Kenneil and Rafferty said that the police tried at first to keep the girls from getting dressed, to have evidence that they were nude. "The police seemed upset about the whole thing, but hen they got into the spirit of it," one of the girls said. "Hamilton is a pretty sleepy town," she added.

"We don't get many nudity cases here," one of the policemen explained to the girls. He added, "I'm not going to tell my wife about this. She'd never believe me."

Rafferty said his film is based on President Nixon's Inaugural Address, which is used in the soundtrack. The film involved "a lot of nudity," Rafferty said, including a nude chase on skis that has already been filmed.

The police now have the film of the hitchhiking scene. Rafferty scene them instructions on how to have it processed, and they have promised to return it, he said.
