
Biafran Coalition Will Begin Drive

Representatives of five Harvard student organizations met yesterday to organize a new aid-to-Biafra drive with BROTHER, Inc., a Cambridge-based Biafra relief organization.

Among the groups that may join the drive are PBH, Hillel, Young People's Socialist League, Christian Fellowship, and Young Democrats. Reva Giese, a full-time BROTHER worker, said that this will be "the first coalition of Harvard student groups and an outside relief program."

Main Thrust

The main thrust of the campaign, Miss Giese said, will be to increase student participation in the fund raising, canvassing, and letter-writing to Congressmen.

"We must get more students involved on the Harvard campus and in town." Miss Griese added. A BROTHER leaflet states that "there is no personal or political justification for passively allowing millions of human beings to starve to death."


The first leaflet and poster campaign will begin this week. Besides undergraduates, the coalition hopes to attract the support of students at the Business, Medical, Law, and graduate schools. For those who are interested a meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, at a location to be announced.
