
Smegma You Don't Need A Weatherman

PERRY WASHES dishes at the Bick and drinks whiskey when he's not busy.

Some big shot from the Hayes-Bickford chain showed up at the Bick a couple of weeks ago and gave Perry shit for drinking on the job. But Perry didn't take it: "I do my work," he said. The big shot threatened to fire him, but Perry continued to act insubordinate.

My eyes met Perry's, and he winked at me.

The November Action Coalition staged its biggest radical demonstrations in early November at M. I. T. Kids got clubbed outside the Instrumentation Labs one day, and they sat-in in the administration building the next.

The actions were designed "to raise the cost of the Vietnam War to M. I. T. and the federal government."


When Paul Freund gave us long reading assignments in Soc Sci 137 last Spring, the lecture hall would become filled with hisses. Nobody wanted to do that much work.

Next month we all will be cramming in order to do better in our finals than our classmates who will be cramming in order to do better than we.

King Collins liked to tell authority to go to hell. He cussed at deans and yelled at professors.

I once asked Collins what kind of life he envisioned after everyone had freed himself of authority. He replied, "Then we can fuck those bastards."

Only Perry winked.
