
D. C. Protest Generally Peaceful; Over 250,000 Demand End To War

(Special to the CRIMSON)

WASHINGTON, D.C.- More than a quarter of a million people- the largest anti-war gathering in U. S. history-converged peacefully on this city Saturday to demand a rapid withdrawal of troops from Vietnam.

Under a clear sky and in a cold, brisk wind, the mass of people-estimated at from 250,000 to 500,000- marched fourteen long blocks from the foot of the Capitol to the grassy hill beneath the Washington Monument. The marchers, predominantly under 30, packed Pennsylvania Avenue for three and a half hours and nearly filled the 30-acre hill.

Metropolitan buses tightly lined up along 15th Street blocked the marchers off from the front lawn of the White House.

Although troops were not in view, Army and Marine Corps men were placed in the Federal buildings along the route. Two thousand metropolitan police were on duty for the march, and the Pentagon and Justice Department were packed with paratroopers.


The march had very little active support from Washington officialdom. Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-Minn.), Sen, George S. McGovern (D-S. D.), and Sen Charles E. Goodell (R-N. Y.) were the only Congressmen to speak at the rally.

Goodell told the gathering, "We are not here to break a President or even a Vice-President. We are here to break a war and to begin a peace."

McGovern said, "Let no American . . . be frightened out of his constitutional rights by those who preach repression and intimidation," and urged the crowd to "be strong and of good courage."

The crowd was good-natured and generally cooperative throughout the afternoon. A speaker on the podium would occasionally start chants of "Sit Down," when too many people were obstructing others views.

Demonstrators started a few small fires out of trash to keep warm as the afternoon passed. These were discouraged by the speakers. but only one chant of "Put Them Out" was started, with little effect.

Some people smoked marijuana. but drugs were not very prominent. Others had flasks of hard liquor, some of which they offered to people close by to warm them up.

Performers and speakers alternated throughout the afternoon on the podium below the Washington Monument.

Among the participating artists and musicians were Arlo Guthric. Pete Secger, Mary Travis (of Peter. Paul and Mary). actor-playwright Adolphe Green, Leonard Bernstein, and the cast of "Hair."

The music ranged from "The Age of Aquarius" to the Cleveland Orchestra String Quartet. Mitch Miller was also on hand Some people in the crowd began dancing with the inspiration of country banjo player, Larl Scruggs.

The demonstrators joined Pete Secger singing, "All we are saying is give peace a chance." They stood up and waved their hands in the peace sign for several minutes.
