
The Mail NOT 'SDS'ER

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I was angry at discovering my picture on the front page of Wednesday's CRIMSON -above an article entitled "SDS Members Protest 'Racism.' Plan sit-in." Where were the SDS'ers? After spending a fruitless half-hour trying to figure out if I could sue you for anything-misrepresentation of the facts, slander, or something-I decided that the words and the picture were mine, and that perhaps a simple letter to the Editor would set the record straight.

Tuesday's press conference called by the University on the painters' helpers situation shed little light on many questions which I feel are pertinent to resolving the issue-what the painter's helper job is, standards and time periods used for promotion, how Harvard can act to change wage differentials if necessary, etc. I was there at the conference. But I wish to point out right here and now that I was there as an interested individual. I participated in discussion neither as a member of SDS, nor as a member of Afro, but as Diorita Fletcher, black woman, class of '71. My statements to John Butler were made in that light. I resent your none-too-subtle efforts to exploit my presence for SDS or newspaper mileage.

Racism and exploitation-you find it everywhere-even in the Harvard CRIMSON. Mr. Butler, yes, typified that blatant kind of racist behavior that black people can no longer ignore or tolerate. But the CRIMSON, in yesterday's article, typified that subtle kind of racism which permits it to use a black person, namely me, to carry the weight of a protest staged by a white organization which presumes to speak for black workers. In your next issue, why don't you run a photo of the 70-odd whites at Tuesday's conference who carry bonfire SDS membership cards, and give a more accurate portrayal of who was there and who was running the show?


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