
Booters Seek Seventh Straight Shutout Today Against Undefeated Penn Eleven

The varsity soccer team faces its toughest competition of the season this morning when it takes the field against Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Both teams go into the game with perfect season's records, having won all seven of their games.

The Crimson will also try to preserve a shutout streak that now has gone for six games, making the Crim-

The Quakers are a well-balanced son the third ranked team in the nation. squad with no weaknesses. They will challenge the Crimson defense with a front line that has seen nine different booters get assists. Sophomore Tom Lieberman leads in scoring with eight goals. knocking in one in each Penn victory. He has two assists to his credit.

Along with Lieberman, the Quakers have two other booters who are proven scoring threats. Junior Dave King and sophomore Bob Watkins have scored three goals each.

The Quaker forward line receives assistance from aggressive halfbacks who control midfield play with accurate short passes.


Quaker goalie Dan Biegel rounds out the fine Penn team. He has registered three shutouts and three one-goal games. The Quakers also have a fiery coach who is willing to fight it out with Munro should there be any trouble. In its game against Princeton last week. Penn coach Bob Seddon tried to get to the Tiger coach, who had insulted Seddon. The Quaker bench restrained the angry coach.

The Quakers' Franklin Field is covered with Astro-turf. which makes passing very rapid. Harvard coach Bruce Munro felt that Harvard would have trouble with Astro-turf when they played B.U. a month ago. The Crimson registered its most impressive score in that game. defeating the Terriers. 6-0. The Crimson should not be bothered by the Astro-turf at Penn.

Streak Problems

Last year the Crimson squad was riding a ten-game winning streak into the Quaker match. The streak was rudely broken by the Penn team. Harvard lost 2-0. and with their momentum lost, they finished the season in fourth place. This year, the Crimson may be carrying an even heavier psychological burden because of its shutout record of six. Munro is worried about the effect that an early Quaker goal could have on his team's morale.

"I was hoping Dartmouth would score against us so that we wouldn't have this problem." Munro told the CRIMSON earlier this week. "Shutouts are just a matter of luck. especially streaks this long."

If the Crimson can score like it did against B.U. and defend like it did against Cornell. Penn will have trouble living up to its reputation as the fourth best team in the nation.
