

One-Tenth of a Cent

BOSTON-The FBI said yesterday it had cracked another underworld case. Agents arrested James F. Casey of Randolph in connection with the theft of one million S and H Green Stamps.

The stamps are worth approximately one-tenth of ancent each.

The FBI said the stamps and several thousand dollars worth of merchandise were stolen from the Penn Central Railroad during interstate shipment. Most of the merchandise was recovered, the FBI said.

Casey was freed on $1,000 bond.

Belfast Demonstration

BELFAST, Northern Ireland-British troops used tear-gas to break up a demonstration of militant. Protestants in Belfast yesterday.


The troops were called in to help police break up a march of about 250 Protestants to the new Martyrs Memorial Church of the Rev. lan Paisley. The troops fired tear gas when the demonstrators tried to push through a cordon blocking their procession.

All such public demonstrations have been banned by the Belfast government due to Northern ireland's recent religious clashes. Yesterday's parade was to mark the anniversary of the Roman Catholic civil rights demonstration in Londonderry last October which set off a wave of violence across the country.

Earlier in the day police calmed a riot in which a soldier was shot in the leg and another was hospitalized after being hit in the head by a brick. Forty people were arrested in that encounter.

British Politics

LONDON-Prime Minister Harold Wilson announced last night a re-arrangement of his government, including the appointment of two overlords to run the nation's technology and industry and its internal development.

The changes, involving restructuring of major government departments plus several demotions and promotions, is intended to lead Wilson's Labor Party to a third successive election victory next year.

Anthony Wedgewood Benu. 44, Minister for Technology, will retain his title, but take on extra responsibilities. He will now be in charge of the Ministry of Power plus some key industrial functions previously exercised by the Board of Trade.

Anthony Crosland, 51, will become Secretary for Local Government and Regional Planning. He will push development of his country's depressed areas and plan the buildup of towns and cities. Problems of air and water pollution will also be under his jurisdiction.

Two other members of Wilson's cabinet will move to new positions, and five members of the government lost their jobs or were demoted.

Black Physicians

CHICAGO-A recent survey shows that less than two per cent of the country's physicians are black, although blacks' comprise about 11 per cent of the U. S. population.

The survey, conducted jointly by the American Medical Association and the National Medical Association, an organization of black doctors, found that two black colleges-Howard University Medical School and Meharry Medical College-produce 83 per cent of the total 6000 black physicians.
