

Draft Debate

WASHINGTON-President Nixon's random selection draft lottery plan was sent to the House late Tuesday from the House Rules Committee under tight reins to prevent opening up the entire draft law for revision.

Critics' efforts for complete revision of the draft law-particularly for abolition of college deferments at least during the Vietnam War-were unsuccessful.

Action by the House, which is expected to approve the lottery plan, was scheduled for this week but will probably be delayed by other legislation. The lottery is a key part of Nixon's plan to limit the draft to 19 year olds.

Willy Wins

BONN, West Germany-After twenty years of Christian Democrat rule, West Germany elected its first Socialist chancellor yesterday.

Three weeks after the September 28 federal elections, the newly elected Bundestag voted Willy Brandt into office with 251 votes-only two more than the required majority.


Asked by the speaker if he accepted the leadership position, the former foreign minister and Berlin mayor replied "Yes, Mr. President, I accept election."

Financial observers said they expect the new Socialist government to decide within the next few days on revaluation of the mark. The announcement of their decision is expected by the end of the week.

Chilean Coup?

SANTIAGO, Chile-For the flrst time in thirty years, Chile is threatened by a military coup.

Two units of an army division rebelled yesterday, and more were reported joining them. The government imposed a state of siege and suspended Congress so that it could deal with what it called an "attempt at military sedition."

The leader of the rebellion, Brigadier General Roberto Viaux, vowing to shoot it out with the government if necessary, said his sole purpose was to gain a hearing for grievances concerning low pay and lack of adequate equipment.

U.S. copper firms have investments in Chile totalling about $1 billion.

Kerouac is Dead

ST. PETERSBURG. Fla.- Jack Kerouac, author and pioneer of the beat generation, is dead.

The 47-year-old author, originator of the term "beat," died yesterday of a masisve gastric hemorrhage. "He was drinking heavily for the last few days." his wife Stella said.

Kcrouae wrote many novels rejecting the "materialism" of the United States. His life style was froewheeling; he wandered back and forth across the U.S., writing. drinking, and smokingpot.

"I smoked more grass than anyone you ever knew in your life." Kerouae bragged in a recent interview. "I came across the Mexican border one time with 21/2 pounds of grass around my waist in a silk scarf. I had one of those wide Mexican belts around me over it. I had a big bottle of tequila and I went up to the border guard and offered him some, and he said,'No, go on through, senior.' "

Kerouac liked to explain that he coined the word "beat" after "beatific," his description of the people who re jected materialism.

Among his varied experience were education at Lowell (Mass.) H. S. and Columbia University and a hifch in the U.S. Merchant Marine. He was living with his wife and paralyzed mother when he died.

His novels included On the Road and The Town and the City. He also wrote books of poetry and philosophy. and three record albums of prose and poetry.

Power Girls

AMHERST-Girls are more likely to be student-power advocates than boys, a University of Massachusetts study reports.

Analyzing the February, 1969 campus protest against the Dow Chemical Co., the report says, "Since girls do not find outlets for their energies in varsity sports or conventional club groupings, they may be inclined to turn to student power as one of the few areas of student life in which they can take a leading and exciting part."

The report also said that students attracted to the protest movement are rarely churchgoers. "Jews. Unitarians and those belonging to no organized religion are most student-power oriented. while Protestants and Catholics tend to be more conservative."

Crafty Clerk

BOSTON-A court clerk in Somerville forged judges' names to cases the Masachusetts Bar Association (MBA) charged yesterday.

In a petition to the state Supreme Court, the MBA called for the removal of Joseph E. Marino, clerk of the Somerville District Court, a former candldate for mayor of Somerville.

The petition claimed that Marino disregarded the orders of judges and signed their names to cases without their consent. indicating that the cases were disposed of. The cases included nine criminal complaints and a small claims dispute.

Marino, an unsuccessful candidate in the Somerville mayorality primary this spring. also "repeatedly used his judicial oflice as the basis for solicitations of political and financial support," the petition charged.

Justice Ammi R. Cutter of the Supreme Judicial Court set Nov. 3 for a hearing date on the petition.

The Weight

CAPE KENNEDY. Fla.- Rccent findings by space scientists indicate that prolonged weightlessness may harm astronants, souces at Cape Kennedy said yesterday. Plans for manned flights to the planets may be hindered as a result.

The findings stem from the spaceflight of a pigtail monkey named Bonny, who was launched on June 28 and brought back to earth after only eight of an intended thirty days of orbit. He died 12 hours after the recovery of his space capsule.

Space scientists will release their findings in a news conference today and it is predicted that the experimenters will attribute the monkey's death largely to weightlessness. Such a report will probably step up pressuire to develop space capsules with artificial gravity for planned interplanetary flights.
