
Cliffies to Vote On Constitution

A two-day referendum on the constitution of the Radcliffe Union of Students will begin this morning.

The constitution, which was approved by the administration at a Radcliffe College Council meeting earlier this month, now requires only student ratification to go into effect.

The proposed student-run Union would have a freer reign in legislating on Radcliffe student life than its predecessor, the Radcliffe Government Association.

Ballot boxes will be in all Radcliffe dormitories and dining halls today and Wednesday. Voting will end at 8 p.m. Wednesday, and the results are expected to be available later in the evening.

A 50 per cent voting turn-out by the Radcliffe student body is necessary to make the referendum valid. Approval by a majority of those voting will put the new constitution into effect.


The constitution also provides for a committee of six students and six administrators to make recommendations to the College Council and Radcliffe administration. It would also allow two students to attend certain meetings of the Council.

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