
CEP Discusses Mosteller Report

The Committee on Educational Policy discussed but took no action Wednesday on the Mosteller report, bluebooks, and the effect of the National Security Council's draft directive on the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Released in early December, the Mosteller report recommended substantial increases in the University's use of computers, including the installation of computer consoles in each of the Houses. Harvey Brooks, dean of Engineering and Applied Physics and chairman of Wednesday's meeting, said the CEP postponed any resolution on the report and added, "The decisions are mainly budgetary and will have to be made by Dean Ford." Ford has said that the CEP has to judge only whether the recommendations, prepared by Frederick C. Mosteller, professor of Mathematical Statistics, and seven other Faculty members, are educationally sound.

The bluebook question started with a November HPC recommendation that booklets from all final examinations be returned to students. The CEP took no action on the resolution Wednesday and Brooks echoed Dean Ford's statement of a month ago that the only action needed on the HPC request was a reminder to the Faculty members to save exams for students who want them back. The CEP confirmed its vote of two weeks ago backing a new department of Visual and Environmental Studies. Details of the new department's structure, already outlined in an HPC audit on the Arch Sci Department, were not specified in the CEP resolution.


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