
Freshmen Matmen Open Season; Swimming Team After 2nd Victory


Led by Al Ackerman and Dan Kobick, double winners in the Springfield meet, the freshman swimming team will journey to West Point to try for its second win of the season against Army today.

The Yardlings' main problem will be stopping Army's John Ferguson, a versatile swimmer whom Army may use in a variety of places in the Cadets' opener. Crimson coach Benn Merritt wants to pit Ackerman against Ferguson.

No Depth

Merritt feels he has the top personnel to match Army's, but considers his team lacking in depth. "Army is a very well balanced team, and we'll need strong efforts by our second men to win," the Harvard coach added.

The most pleasant surprise for Merritt in the 50-45 victory over Springfield was the sweep of the breaststroke by Dave Law and Pete Mikhalevsky. Harvard seems to have an edge over the Cadets in diving, and Merritt thinks his team is now in better shape than it was in against Springfield.
