
Harvard Places Six On All Ivy Cross Country

PHILADELPHIA, PA.--Five repeaters have been named to the 1968 All-Ivy League cross-country team with two of the harriers making the team for their three varsity seasons. Heptagonal champion Harvard led with six members of its team being selected.

Yale's Steve Bittner and Frank Shorter were the two runners who gained All-Ivy honors for the third consecutive season. They were the lone Elis selected to the squad.

Making the team for the second time were Harvard's Doug Hardin, Eamon Downey of Princeton and Jerry Williams of Pennsylvania. On the squad for the first time were Keith Colburn, Tim McLoone, Royce Shaw, Tom Spengler and David Pottetti of Harvard; and Dick Stafford and Thomas Yunck of Princeton.

Five of the harriers selected to the team were seniors, four juniors and three sophomores.

The 1968 All-Ivy League cross country squad:


Steve Bittner, Senior, Yale; Keith Colburn, junior, Harvard; Eamon Downey, junior, Princeton; Douglas Hardin, senior, Harvard; Timothy McLoone, senior, Harvard; David Pottetti, sophomore, Harvard; Royce Shaw, junior, Harvard; Frank Shorter, senior, Yale; Thomas Spengler, sophomore, Harvard; Richard Stafford, junior, Princeton; Jerome Williams, senior, Pennsylvania; Thomas Yunck, sophomore, Princeton.

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