
Elis Romp Through Season As Crimson Surprises All

The Past


HOLY CROSS, 27-20: A come-from-behind victory which included the best Crimson passing attack of the season as Pete Varney showed great potential. Most points scored against the defense all season.

BUCKNELL, 59-0: An ego booster. The Crimson capitalized on every Bucknell error and rolled up a 31-0 first period lead, as the Bucknell cheerleaders deserted to the Harvard side. Harvard's rushing attack rolled up 392 yards, 122 by Vic Gatto. Biggest point production since 1955, while the defense contained highly-touted Bison quarterback Sam Havrilak.

COLUMBIA, 21-14: "Not one of our better games," said John Yoviesin. The Harvard passing attack was disappionting, and the defensive secondary was not too successful in stopping Lion quarterback Marty Domres. But Gatto and Hornblower each had the best day of his career, as they gained 144 and 93 yards respectively.

CORNELL, 10-0: Hornblower again had a career-high day as he gained 138 yards to be the Ivy Back-of-the-Week. First time in 13 games that Cornell had been shut out. Yovicsin said linebackers Dale Neal and John Emery were "outstanding."


DARTMOUTH, 22-7: Harvard's overwhelming defense held the Indians scoreless until the final 22 seconds. It was the most decisive Crimson victory over Dartmouth in 40 years. Gatto scored two touchdowns and the offense rolled up 358 yards.

PENN, 28-6: Defense was the key as Harvard won this battle of undefeated teams. A fumble and a pass interception led to two quick touchdowns, and Gatto returned a punt 70 yards for six points. Fullback Gus Crim had an excellent day and pat Conway was outstanding at safety.

PRINCETON, 9-7: The Tigers almost took it away in the fourth quarter, but Crimson defense came through in the clutch. Powerful Princeton runners were held to 130 yards, while Harvard gained 214 on the ground, 144 by Hornblower.

BROWN, 31-7: Harvard started slowly. Hornblower was injured, but John Ballyntine came in and ran for 126 yards and two touchdowns in the second half. Szaro kicked the extra points and added a 31 yard field goal.


UCONN, 31-14: Halfback Nick Davidson and Brian Dowling were offensive leaders. Hill gained 65 yards on 12 carries, but Yale's defense showed its rough edges.

COLGATE, 49-14: Hill was out with an injury, but Colgate didn't seem to notice. Davidson and Buzzy Potts did most of the running. Dowling passes for two touchdowns and ran for one himself in three periods.

BROWN, 35-13: Dowling was Ivy Back-of-the-week, as he amassed 303 yards of total offense. The team totaled 614 yards to set a Yale record, and Hill scored on two long passes. Brown scored against the second string.

COLUMBIA, 29-7: In this big showdown between two outstanding quarterbacks, Dowling completely overshadowed the Lions' Marty Domres. Yale outgained Columbia, 462 yards to a paltry 102. Hill and Dowling both threw TD passes, while the defensive line held the Lions to a first quarter score.

CORNELL, 25-13: Yale scored after the opening kickoff for the fourth time this season. Three touchdown passes, and the Bulldogs gained 200 yards on the ground. Cornell's second score came with only ten seconds left in the game.

DARTMOUTH, 42-27: Dowling threw three touchdown passes this time and scored one. Hill passed for one and tallied twice on a run and a Dowling pass. But the Indians scored without too much trouble, as the Elis demonstrated they needed tackling practice.

PENN, 30-13: Hill gained 126 yards rushing and was Ivy Back-of-the-week. Dowling also ran and tossed for 180 yards, including two passes for scores. The defense did a good job stopping long gains, but still showed signs of weakness.

PRINCETON, 42-17: Yale led 15-9 at the half, but was up 35-9 after the third quarter. Hill scored another three touchdowns. While Dowling ran for one and passed for two to be named quarterback on the weekly ECAC team. At this point, Yale has scored in 20 consecutive periods.

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