
News in Brief

Class Marshals

Cross-country Team Captain Douglas Hardin of Winthrop House has been elected First Marshal of the Class of 1969. Second is Jimmy Jones, Leverett; third, W. Scott Robertson, Dunster; and fourth, William R. Jewett, Eliot.

Candidates for Class Committee must notify their House Election Committee by midnight Friday and the election will be Tuesday. The marshals and committeemen elect a class secretary, a treasurer and two class agents from each house.

Norton Professor

Composer Roger Sessions, the Charles Eliot Norton Professor for 1968-69, will deliver three public lectures on "Questions about Music" in Paine Hall of the Music Building Nov. 20 and Dec. 4 and 11. All three will begin at 8:30 p.m.


Nieman Committee

Harvard has named the committee to select the newsmen who will come here next year as Neiman Fellows. They are Chicago Daily News Editor Roy M. Fisher, Milwaukee Journal Associate Editor Paul Ringler, member of the Board of Overseers and Boston Globe Publisher Davis Taylor, astronomy Professor and Master of Adams House William Liller '48, Harvard News Officer William M. Pinkerton, and Nieman Foundation Curator Dwight E. Sargent.

Draft Card Burner

A six-year sentence for burning a draft card, which the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld, was revoked by District Judge Andrew A. Caffrey of Boston yesterday because 21-year-old David P. O'Brien of Cambridge had had a "change of attitude." Caffrey put O'Brien, who served two months in federal prison, on probation for three years, provided he accepts civilian work in a hospital in lieu of military service.
