
Freshman Booters, 3-0, To Face Exeter Eleven

The freshman soccer team will put its undefeated record on the line today when it faces traditional rival Exeter.

Coach Dana Getchell said that today's match and the game on Friday against Dartmouth will be the real proof of just how good the freshman team is this year.

The Yardlings have won their first three games against weak squads from Tufts, BU, and MIT. But Exeter has a strong backfield, Getchell said, which might contain the Crimson's high-scoring offense.

Another question in today's game should be the Crimson's defense. The backfield has not yet been pressed this season. Weak opposition offenses have managed only once to penetrate the Harvard defense for a score.

Getchell pointed out that the team has played excellently in the first period of play every game--8 of the 17 goals so far have come in the first quarter. "But the contest is not one, but four periods, and the team must put together four good quarters of play to beat Exeter," he added.


So far this year center forward Charlie Thomas, with seven goals, is leading the team in scoring. Phil Kydes is next with five. Skip Marotta and Russ Bell, each with two, and Steve Orlins with a single tally, account for the rest of the team's scores.

Getchell said that he won't be sure who will start in the goal until just before the game. The choice rests between Larry Anderson and George Gibson, who are both unscored upon.

After the game on Friday with Dartmouth, the Yardlings will face tough competition in November against Princeton, Brown, and Yale.
