
Gridders and Harriers Play Ivy Foes; Bell, Kydes Will Lead Booters' Attack


The freshman soccer team travels to Boston University to play its second game of the season on the dangerous and very unpredictable B.U. astro-turf.

Essentially the Yardlings are faced with the same problem that confronts all opponents when they have played at B.U. Loaded up front with a high-scoring line and bolstered in the backfield by a solid defense, the freshmen would be considered heavy favorites on their own field.


But the slippery astro-turf is an unknown factor that will hinder passing coordination between the offense and the defense and may turn the game into a slipshod affair where freak goals make the difference.

Freshman coach Dana M. Getchell will probably stay with the same starting team that brought him an easy 5-0 victory against Tufts last week.


Scoring leaders Phil Kydes and Russ Bell, who each tallied two against Tufts, will lead the offensive line while George Gibson and Larry Anderson anchor the defense from the goal.

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