
Draft Resistance Movement Hails New Beginning

The New England Resistance and The Boston Draft Resistance Group held a joint press conference last night to declare their support for Howard Marston Jr. and Corey Brown, who will refuse induction at the Boston Army Base this morning.

William Hunt, a third-year graduate student in History at Harvard and leader of BDRG, hailed today's actions as "the beginning of a massive national campaign" of draft-resistance efforts.

"Interest in draft-resistance has suddenly burgeoned across as a result of Spock's indictment last Sunday," Hunt said. The induction refusals by Marston and Brown are the first to be endorsed by peace groups across the country since the indictments.

Howard Marston Sr. aged 66, will accompany his son tomorrow. Marston Jr. will refuse induction not only on the grounds that he finds it consciously objectionable, but also because, as a minor, he had been forbidden to enter the Army by his father.

"I take full responsibility for my son's refusal to kill innocent children in Vietnam," Mr. Marston stated yesterday. "I want to find out if a dictator has more authority over a young man who's a minor than his father."


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