
Alumni Fencing Team to Confront Varsity With 8 Former Captains

Harvard's alumni fencers will field a formidable squad including eight former team captains and two intercollegiate champions for the annual alumni-varsity contest at 4:30 today at the Harvard Club of Boston.

Former captains Webster Williams '35, (an intercollegiate champion), Donald Van Roosen '45, and Stephen Schneider '56 will sally forth "to chastise and dazzle the young," in epee, according to an invitation sent to fencing alumni. Giles Constable '50, master of North House and Henry Charles Lea Professor of Medieval History, will try to repeat his two epee wins of last year.

In foil, Joe Vera '50, former captain and intercollegiate champion, will team up with three more captains--Eric Sollee '52, Lawrence Johnson '61, and Rick Kolombatovich '66. Sollee took three bouts in last year's 14-13 alumni triumph.

Sabre Stalwarts

Jon Kolb '65 is another former captain, as well as all-Ivy and all-America in sabre. Also competing in sabre will be Arthur Steinberg '58, Paul Zygas '64, and Lawrence Butler '64.


The varsity, now practicing for the Eastern intercollegiate, should be in peak condition.
