
'Cliffe to 'Ratify' New RGA Slate

Radcliffe votes today to "ratify the choice of the Radcliffe Government Association" for RGA's 1967 officers.

The ballot is a yes/no referendum, because RGA could only find one candidate for each office. "We had to figure a way to save face," one representative said.

In previous years there have been several candidates for each major office. But RGA leaders do not feel the skimpy choice this year represents a decline in interest in student government.

"It was only a matter of chance that there were more candidates last year," Patricia Riley '67, chairman of the Nominating Committee said yesterday.

A Forum


RGA representatives were not overly worried about the lack of interest, because they see RGA as a forum for student opinion and not as a representative body for Radcliffe.

The candidates are: President, Anastasia Kucharski '68; Vice-president, Eileen Y. Hsu '68; Secretary, Audrey J. Biller '68; Treasurer, Deborah A. Batts '69, Nominating Committee Chairman, Aida Chang '68; NSA Delegates, Rachael A. Radlo '68; Mary Belle Feltenstein '69.
