
HSA Hoping to Have Its Own Home by '72

Harvard Student Agencies is hoping to buy or build its own office building within the next five years.

A pamphlet describing the HSA which was distributed to most Harvard rooms last Wednesday cites "a proposed building to house HSA" as an example of capital investment that HSA can make with its increasing profits.

Andrew P. Tobias '68, president of HSA, said yesterday that HSA could get its building now but that it considers continuing increases in student wages to be more important.

HSA is currently housed in two crowded basements: one on Holyoke Street and the other beneath the Esquire Theater on Mass. Ave. The Information Gathering Service plans to move soon from the Holyoke Street basement to the third floor of an office building outside the square.

Tobias said HSA wants to expand from its present 8200 square feet to 15,000 square feet of office space. The cost will be about $45,000 including interest over a 20-or 30-year period.


HSA has definitely decided not to rent a building according to Tobias, because it would be too expensive.

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