
Sekler Named Director of VAC, Hopes of Expand Visual Studies

Eduard F. Sekler, currently coordinator of studies in the Carpenter Center, has been named the first director of the Center since its opening in 1963.

Selker said yesterday that the decision to create a directorship for the Center resulted from a review of the experience of the past three-years. "It will be useful in unifying the creative activities at Harvard," he said.

In assuming the position, Selker said, he will continue the general policies he has had as coordinator of studies. He will maintain his of forts to strengthen and widen the undergraduate program at the Center.

In particular, he said, he will continue his drive to make Visual studies an undergraduate field of concentration. "I'm very optimistic about it. Dean Ford has been very encouraging in public statements," Sekler said.

The Executive Committee of the Carpenter Center and the Committee on the Practice of Visual Arts at Harvard have both discussed proposals to create the new concentration. They say they will present definite suggestions to the Committee on Educational Policy soon.


Currently, Visual Studies courses at the Center can be counted toward an Architectural Science degree.


Sekler is also optimistic about the Carpenter Center itself and its experience during the past three years. He regards the Center's existence within the University as its great strength.

"You can have an art school any place. You can be an artist alone," Sekler said. But in the University, "one can study perception, psychology, theory of probability, all the things that interest a modern artist. And go the answers."
